History Of Ganga Aarti in Varanasi and Its Importance

Ganga Aarti in Varanasi

Varanasi is known to be one of the oldest cities worldwide. It is believed that Lord Shiva himself established the city and at present, it is considered one of the holiest places for Hindus in the world. The spiritual capital of India has several major attractions, one of which includes the Ganga Aarti. Notably, Ganga Aarti is the reason alone why millions of Indians visit the city every year. An otherworldly experience, the Ganga Aarti takes you on a journey, which is unlike anything else that you have seen and experienced in your life.

In this article, we will discuss the history of Ganga Aarti along with its importance and timings.

History of Ganga Aarti in Varanasi

At three cities in India – Rishikesh, Haridwar, and Varanasi – each evening there is a special and spiritual ritual taken place by devotees. This ritual includes the usage of the lamp, chants, and fire near the ghats of the River Ganga. Earthen lamps, and diyas, are lightened with fire and floated onto the River along with flowers.

Ganga Aarti in Varanasi

This offering to the Goddess Ganga is considered sacred and has a special significance. The importance of the Ganga Aarti increases even more during the Ganga Dussehra, which is the time when it is believed that the Goddess descended to Earth from heaven. It is believed that when the Goddess Ganga descended to Earth, she turned into a River to wash out the sins of predecessors of King Bhagirath.

Notably, people perform the Ganga Aarti every day to thank the Goddess and therefore, perform the rituals by chanting shlokas and bhajans. Furthermore, people also offer the Goddess flowers and fruits during the Aarti at the River Ganga.

Ganga Aarti in Varanasi

It is considered that a dip in the River Ganga cleanses all sins. This is the reason why when you visit the city and the river, you will find many devotees taking a dip in the River Ganga. During evenings, the Ganga Aarti is performed every day, and it is one of those visual treats to your eyes that would not want to miss out on.

Ganga Aarti in Varanasi

The sound of chanting and bells along with the lighting of diyas and incense sticks, the atmosphere gets completely mesmerized. In a synchronized manner, priests at the ghats worship the Goddess, and it is something that creates a spellbinding sight. While the Ganga Aarti is carried out for 45 minutes, it is impossible to take your eyes off it even for a second.

Timing of Ganga Aarti in Varanasi

Well, finding a place to enjoy the stunning Ganga Aarti at the Dashashwamedh ghat can be a tedious task. Therefore, you must know the timing for Ganga Aarti in Varanasi to make sure that you reach the place before time and find yourself a suitable place to witness the grandeur. Being said that, the Ganga Aarti in Varanasi takes place every day at 6.30 PM during summer and at 7 PM during winter. To enjoy the best Ganga Aarti in Varanasi, make sure you reach the place at least an hour before.

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JDS Banaras

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Final Thoughts

The Ganga Aarti in Varanasi is going to be a treat for your eyes. Millions of Indians and tourists visit the city of Banaras just to witness the grandeur of Ganga Aarti. Now that you know what you need to know about the Ganga Aarti in Varanasi, when are you planning your next trip to the holy city of India? Well, whenever it is, you are definitely going to have an experience of a lifetime.